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Wraparound care

Cranford Primary School and our friends at OHM provide a Breakfast Club and a variety of After-School Clubs to offer affordable childcare beyond regular school hours. OHM's Early Birds and Evening Owls Clubs are designed to be relaxing and fun for the children and provide a high-quality childcare service in a safe, familiar and welcoming environment.

Wraparound care can have a positive impact on children’s outcomes in school. Research also shows those who participate in sports, like sports activities during wraparound care, display improved performance and social skills. There are many benefits and impacts of wraparound care for children, parents, and schools.

The Early Birds Breakfast Club is a fantastic way to prepare pupils for the start of the school day. Breakfast Club welcomes pupils from Reception to Year 6 and opens at 7.30am every morning.  Pupils have access to a healthy breakfast, including cereal, toast, fresh fruit and juice. Breakfast Club is run by an experienced staff team from OHM. For just £4 a day, students receive a nutritious breakfast and can engage in various art, sport and mindful activities before school begins. By fostering healthy eating habits, the Early Birds Breakfast Club helps students incorporate these practices into their daily lives.

Our After-School Clubs programme encourages children to develop skills in a variety of sports and to broaden their range of experiences and interests as well as helping parents to balance their work and family commitments. Evening Owls is open until 6pm and offers a range of food choices daily.  In addition to the Evening Owls OHM After-School Club the school also operates a range of fitness, well-being  and creative clubs.  

If you have any questions about wraparound care at Cranford Primary School please contact Jade Hunte-Millington at OHM by phone 0203 302 8554 or email  To book a place at Early Birds or Evening Owls please go to  

For additional support on childcare costs, please contact the school office on 020 8759 0305 or use the links below:

You can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year). Visit: Tax-Free Childcare.

You may be able to claim back up to 85% of your childcare costs if you’re eligible for Universal Credit. Check here. 

Childcare choices: 

Childcare calculator: 

Parent information Toolkit: